XX. mendeko Euskararen Corpus estatistikoa



aihentsu adj. full of vine shoots, viney.

aiher n inclination, tendency. n. hatred. n. revenge.

aiherbide n. cause tor hating someone.

aihergo n. strong dislike.

aiher izan v.i to be revengeful. v.i. to feel like, to long to, to have a tendency to.

aiherki adv revengetully, hatetully.

aiherkor adj vindictive, revengeful, resentful.

aiherkunde n tendency, inclination.

aiherkuntza n hatred. n. revenge.

aihertsu adj vindictive, revengeful, resentful, unforgiving.

aihertu v.i. to be up to, to be inclined to, to tend to. v.t. to hate.

aihotz n. kind of scythe to cut branches or shrubs.

aihozkatu v. t. to scythe.

aika adv groaning, grieving, moaning.

aika ari v.i. to grieve. to lament.

aiko-maiko n. pretext. excuse.

aina adv. as much as.

aingeru n. (theol.) angel. n. little boy (girl) dressed in white. n dead baby.

aingeru-belar n. (bot.) angelica garden.

aingerugisa adv. angelically.

aingeru-kanpai n. small church bell tolled when a child dies.

aingeruki adv. angelically.

aingerukote n. large figure of an angel.

aingerulili n. (bot.) marigold.

aingerutalde n group of angels, host of angels

aingerutan hil v.i. to die immediately after birth

aingerutar adj angelical

aingerutxo n.(dim.) little angel n (fig.) baby

aingeruxka n.(dim.) little angel.

aingeruzko adj. angelic

aingira n (zool.) eel.

aingiraki n eel meat

aingirakume n.(dim.) small eel

aingirategi n eel hatchery.

aingiratxo n (dim.) young eel.

aingura n anchor

ainguraketa n. casting anchor.

ainguraleku n anchoring-ground.

ainguratu v.t. to anchor, to drop anchor, to cast anchor.

ainguratxo n.(dim.) small anchor.

ainguratzar n.(augm.) big anchor

aintza n glory. n fame.

aintzadun adj. glorious

aintzagabeko adj. inglorious.

aintzagarri adj. glorious, glorifiable.

aintzakotzat hartu v.t. to take into consideration.

aintzaldu v.t. to glorify

aintzalgarri adj. glorious, glorifiable

aintzapen n. gloritication.

aintzat hartu v.t. to take into consideration

aintzatsu adj. glorious, famous, illustrious.

aintzigar n frost.

aintzina adv. a long time ago, in ancient times.

aintzinako adj. ancient

aintzinaro n Ancient Age.

aintzinatasun n quality ot being ancient, antiquity.

aintzinate n. ancient times, antiquity.

aintzindari n. pioneer, predecessor.

aintzindarigo n. leadership.

aintzindaritasun n quality ot being chiet; power, authority

aintzindaritza n. leadership.

aintzindu v.t. to anticipate, to foresee, to forestall. v.t to surpass. v.i. to go forward.

aintzinean adv. in ancient times, a long time ago, before.

aintzineko adj. preceding. n. ancestor adj. ancient.

aintzinkari n antiquarian, antiquary.

aintzin solas n. foreword.

aintzintasun n. antecedence: quality of being ancient. n. advance, progress. n superiority.

aipa v t to mention Var. of the verb aipatu

aipabide n mention

aipaera n mention, citation

aipaezin n unmentionable

aipagabe adv virtually, implicitly. adv without mentioning.

aipagarri adj mentionable adj famous, illustrious, celebrated

aipagarriro adv memorably

aipaketa n enunciation, declaration.

aipakizun n mention

aipaldi n time to mention. n. act of mentioning, reference, allusion

aipamen n. mention, honorary mention, reference, quote. citation. n fame

aipari n. citer. quoter

aipatu v t to mention, to make reference to, to name

aipatzaile n. person who mentions or makes a reference to, citer, quoter.

aipu n fame, reputation; mention.

aipuera n. mention, reference, quotation, citation, allusion

aipugabe adj. discredited.

aipugabetu v i. to discredit, to lose one's reputation

aipugabezia n failure to mention

aipu galdu v.t to discredit, to disgrace.

aipugalketa n discredit, disgrace.

aipuoneko adj. distinguished. accredited, reputable.

airatu v.i. to raise in the air. v i to leave from, to go from.

aire n. air. n. overhanded blow n. resemblance, likeness. similarity. appearance, aspect

aireaketa n ventilation